Source code for tidypolars.tibble

import polars as pl
import functools as ft
from .utils import (
from .stringr import str_c
import copy
from .reexports import *
from .tidyselect import everything
from operator import not_

__all__ = [
    "from_pandas", "from_polars"

[docs]class Tibble(pl.DataFrame): """ A data frame object that provides methods familiar to R tidyverse users. """ def __init__(self, _data = None, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) > 0: _data = kwargs elif not_(isinstance(_data, dict)): raise ValueError("_data must be a dictionary or kwargs must be used") super().__init__(_data)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Printing method""" df = self.to_polars() return df.__str__()
[docs] def _repr_html_(self): """ Printing method for jupyter Output rows and columns can be modified by setting the following ENVIRONMENT variables: * POLARS_FMT_MAX_COLS: set the number of columns * POLARS_FMT_MAX_ROWS: set the number of rows """ df = self.to_polars() return df._repr_html_()
[docs] def __copy__(self): # Shallow copy # See: obj = type(self).__new__(self.__class__) obj.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return obj
[docs] def __str__(self): """Printing method""" df = self.to_polars() return df.__str__()
[docs] def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr in _polars_methods: raise AttributeError return pl.DataFrame.__getattribute__(self, attr)
[docs] def __dir__(self): _tidypolars_methods = [ 'arrange', 'bind_cols', 'bind_rows', 'colnames', 'clone', 'count', 'distinct', 'drop', 'drop_null', 'head', 'fill', 'filter', 'inner_join', 'left_join', 'mutate', 'names', 'nrow', 'ncol', 'full_join', 'pivot_longer', 'pivot_wider', 'pull', 'relocate', 'rename', 'replace_null', 'select', 'separate', 'set_names', 'slice', 'slice_head', 'slice_tail', 'summarize', 'tail', 'to_pandas', 'to_polars', 'write_csv', 'write_parquet' ] return _tidypolars_methods
[docs] def arrange(self, *args): """ Arrange/sort rows Parameters ---------- *args : str Columns to sort by Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'x': ['a', 'a', 'b'], 'y': range(3)}) >>> # Arrange in ascending order >>> df.arrange('x', 'y') ... >>> # Arrange some columns descending >>> df.arrange(tp.desc('x'), 'y') """ exprs = _as_list(args) desc = [True if isinstance(expr, DescCol) else False for expr in exprs] return super().sort(exprs, descending = desc).pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def bind_cols(self, *args): """ Bind data frames by columns Parameters ---------- df : Tibble Data frame to bind Examples -------- >>> df1 = tp.Tibble({'x': ['a', 'a', 'b'], 'y': range(3)}) >>> df2 = tp.Tibble({'a': ['c', 'c', 'c'], 'b': range(4, 7)}) >>> df1.bind_cols(df2) """ frames = _as_list(args) out = self.to_polars() for frame in frames: out = out.hstack(frame) return out.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def bind_rows(self, *args): """ Bind data frames by row Parameters ---------- *args : Tibble, list Data frames to bind by row Examples -------- >>> df1 = tp.Tibble({'x': ['a', 'a', 'b'], 'y': range(3)}) >>> df2 = tp.Tibble({'x': ['c', 'c', 'c'], 'y': range(4, 7)}) >>> df1.bind_rows(df2) """ frames = _as_list(args) out = pl.concat([self, *frames], how = "diagonal") return out.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def clone(self): """Very cheap deep clone""" return super().clone().pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def count(self, *args, sort = False, name = 'n'): """ Returns row counts of the dataset. If bare column names are provided, count() returns counts by group. Parameters ---------- *args : str, Expr Columns to group by sort : bool Should columns be ordered in descending order by count name : str The name of the new column in the output. If omitted, it will default to "n". Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.count() >>> df.count('b') """ args = _as_list(args) out = self.summarize(pl.count().alias(name), by = args) if sort == True: out = out.arrange(desc(name)) return out
[docs] def distinct(self, *args): """ Select distinct/unique rows Parameters ---------- *args : str, Expr Columns to find distinct/unique rows Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.distinct() >>> df.distinct('b') """ args = _as_list(args) if len(args) == 0: df = super().unique() else: df = super().select(args).unique() return df.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def drop(self, *args): """ Drop unwanted columns Parameters ---------- *args : str Columns to drop Examples -------- >>> df.drop('x', 'y') """ args = _as_list(args) drop_cols = return super().drop(drop_cols).pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def drop_null(self, *args): """ Drop rows containing missing values Parameters ---------- *args : str Columns to drop nulls from (defaults to all) Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble(x = [1, None, 3], y = [None, 'b', 'c'], z = range(3)} >>> df.drop_null() >>> df.drop_null('x', 'y') """ args = _as_list(args) if len(args) == 0: out = super().drop_nulls() else: out = super().drop_nulls(args) return out.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def head(self, n = 5, *, by = None): """Alias for `.slice_head()`""" return self.slice_head(n, by = by)
[docs] def fill(self, *args, direction = 'down', by = None): """ Fill in missing values with previous or next value Parameters ---------- *args : str Columns to fill direction : str Direction to fill. One of ['down', 'up', 'downup', 'updown'] by : str, list Columns to group by Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': [1, None, 3, 4, 5], ... 'b': [None, 2, None, None, 5], ... 'groups': ['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b']}) >>> df.fill('a', 'b') >>> df.fill('a', 'b', by = 'groups') >>> df.fill('a', 'b', direction = 'downup') """ args = _as_list(args) if len(args) == 0: return self args = _col_exprs(args) options = {'down': 'forward', 'up': 'backward'} if direction in ['down', 'up']: direction = options[direction] exprs = [arg.fill_null(strategy = direction) for arg in args] elif direction == 'downup': exprs = [ arg.fill_null(strategy = 'forward') .fill_null(strategy = 'backward') for arg in args ] elif direction == 'updown': exprs = [ arg.fill_null(strategy = 'backward') .fill_null(strategy = 'forward') for arg in args ] else: raise ValueError("direction must be one of down, up, downup, or updown") return self.mutate(*exprs, by = by)
[docs] def filter(self, *args, by = None): """ Filter rows on one or more conditions Parameters ---------- *args : Expr Conditions to filter by by : str, list Columns to group by Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.filter(col('a') < 2, col('b') == 'a') >>> df.filter((col('a') < 2) & (col('b') == 'a')) >>> df.filter(col('a') <= tp.mean(col('a')), by = 'b') """ args = _as_list(args) exprs = ft.reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, args) if _uses_by(by): out = super().groupby(by).apply(lambda x: x.filter(exprs)) else: out = super().filter(exprs) return out.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def frame_equal(self, other, null_equal = True): """Check if two Tibbles are equal""" df = self.to_polars() other = other.to_polars() return df.frame_equal(other, null_equal = null_equal)
[docs] def inner_join(self, df, left_on = None, right_on = None, on = None, suffix = '_right'): """ Perform an inner join Parameters ---------- df : Tibble Lazy DataFrame to join with. left_on : str, list Join column(s) of the left DataFrame. right_on : str, list Join column(s) of the right DataFrame. on: str, list Join column(s) of both DataFrames. If set, `left_on` and `right_on` should be None. suffix : str Suffix to append to columns with a duplicate name. Examples -------- >>> df1.inner_join(df2) >>> df1.inner_join(df2, on = 'x') >>> df1.inner_join(df2, left_on = 'left_x', right_on = 'x') """ if (left_on == None) & (right_on == None) & (on == None): on = list(set(self.names) & set(df.names)) return super().join(df, left_on, right_on, on, 'inner', suffix).pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def left_join(self, df, left_on = None, right_on = None, on = None, suffix = '_right'): """ Perform a left join Parameters ---------- df : Tibble Lazy DataFrame to join with. left_on : str, list Join column(s) of the left DataFrame. right_on : str, list Join column(s) of the right DataFrame. on: str, list Join column(s) of both DataFrames. If set, `left_on` and `right_on` should be None. suffix : str Suffix to append to columns with a duplicate name. Examples -------- >>> df1.left_join(df2) >>> df1.left_join(df2, on = 'x') >>> df1.left_join(df2, left_on = 'left_x', right_on = 'x') """ if (left_on == None) & (right_on == None) & (on == None): on = list(set(self.names) & set(df.names)) return super().join(df, left_on, right_on, on, 'left', suffix).pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def mutate(self, *args, by = None, **kwargs): """ Add or modify columns Parameters ---------- *args : Expr Column expressions to add or modify by : str, list Columns to group by **kwargs : Expr Column expressions to add or modify Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3), c = ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.mutate(double_a = col('a') * 2, ... a_plus_b = col('a') + col('b')) >>> df.mutate(row_num = row_number(), by = 'c') """ exprs = _as_list(args) + _kwargs_as_exprs(kwargs) out = self.to_polars() if _uses_by(by): out = out.groupby(by).apply(lambda x: _mutate_cols(x, exprs)) else: out = _mutate_cols(out, exprs) return out.pipe(from_polars)
@property def names(self): """ Get column names Examples -------- >>> df.names """ return super().columns @property def ncol(self): """ Get number of columns Examples -------- >>> df.ncol """ return super().shape[1] @property def nrow(self): """ Get number of rows Examples -------- >>> df.nrow """ return super().shape[0]
[docs] def full_join(self, df, left_on = None, right_on = None, on = None, suffix: str = '_right'): """ Perform an full join Parameters ---------- df : Tibble Lazy DataFrame to join with. left_on : str, list Join column(s) of the left DataFrame. right_on : str, list Join column(s) of the right DataFrame. on: str, list Join column(s) of both DataFrames. If set, `left_on` and `right_on` should be None. suffix : str Suffix to append to columns with a duplicate name. Examples -------- >>> df1.full_join(df2) >>> df1.full_join(df2, on = 'x') >>> df1.full_join(df2, left_on = 'left_x', right_on = 'x') """ if (left_on == None) & (right_on == None) & (on == None): on = list(set(self.names) & set(df.names)) return super().join(df, left_on, right_on, on, 'outer', suffix).pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def pivot_longer(self, cols = everything(), names_to = "name", values_to = "value"): """ Pivot data from wide to long Parameters ---------- cols : Expr List of the columns to pivot. Defaults to all columns. names_to : str Name of the new "names" column. values_to: str Name of the new "values" column Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'id': ['id1', 'id2'], 'a': [1, 2], 'b': [1, 2]}) >>> df.pivot_longer(cols = ['a', 'b']) >>> df.pivot_longer(cols = ['a', 'b'], names_to = 'stuff', values_to = 'things') """ df_cols = pl.Series(self.names) value_vars = pl.Series( id_vars = df_cols.filter(~df_cols.is_in(value_vars)) out = super().melt(id_vars, value_vars, names_to, values_to) return out.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def pivot_wider(self, names_from = 'name', values_from = 'value', id_cols = None, values_fn = 'first', values_fill = None): """ Pivot data from long to wide Parameters ---------- names_from : str Column to get the new column names from. values_from : str Column to get the new column values from id_cols : str, list A set of columns that uniquely identifies each observation. Defaults to all columns in the data table except for the columns specified in `names_from` and `values_from`. values_fn : str Function for how multiple entries per group should be dealt with. Any of 'first', 'count', 'sum', 'max', 'min', 'mean', 'median', 'last' values_fill : str If values are missing/null, what value should be filled in. Can use: "backward", "forward", "mean", "min", "max", "zero", "one" Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'id': [1, 1], 'variable': ['a', 'b'], 'value': [1, 2]}) >>> df.pivot_wider(names_from = 'variable', values_from = 'value') """ if id_cols == None: df_cols = pl.Series(self.names) from_cols = pl.Series(, values_from).names) id_cols = df_cols.filter(~df_cols.is_in(from_cols)) no_id = len(id_cols) == 0 if no_id: id_cols = '_id' self = self.mutate(_id = pl.lit(1)) out = (super() .pivot(values_from, id_cols, names_from, values_fn) .pipe(from_polars) ) if values_fill != None: new_cols = pl.Series(out.names) new_cols = new_cols.filter(~new_cols.is_in(id_cols)) fill_exprs = [col(new_col).fill_null(values_fill) for new_col in new_cols] out = out.mutate(*fill_exprs) if no_id: out = out.drop('_id') return out
[docs] def pull(self, var = None): """ Extract a column as a series Parameters ---------- var : str Name of the column to extract. Defaults to the last column. Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3)) >>> df.pull('a') """ if var == None: var = self.names[-1] return super().get_column(var)
[docs] def relocate(self, *args, before = None, after = None): """ Move a column or columns to a new position Parameters ---------- *args : str, Expr Columns to move Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3), 'c': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.relocate('a', before = 'c') >>> df.relocate('b', after = 'c') """ cols_all = pl.Series(self.names) locs_all = pl.Series(range(len(cols_all))) print(locs_all) locs_df = pl.DataFrame( [locs_all.to_list()], columns = cols_all.to_list(), orient = "row" ) cols_relocate = _as_list(args) locs_relocate = pl.Series( if (len(locs_relocate) == 0): return self uses_before = before != None uses_after = after != None if (uses_before & uses_after): raise ValueError("Cannot provide both before and after") elif (not_(uses_before) & not_(uses_after)): before = cols_all[0] uses_before = True if uses_before: before = locs_start = locs_all.filter(locs_all < before) else: after = locs_start = locs_all.filter(locs_all <= after) locs_start = locs_start.filter(~locs_start.is_in(locs_relocate)) final_order = pl.concat([locs_start, locs_relocate, locs_all]).unique(True) final_order = cols_all[final_order].to_list() return
[docs] def rename(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Rename columns Parameters ---------- *args : dict Dictionary mapping of new names **kwargs : str key-value pair of new name from old name Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'x': range(3), 't': range(3), 'z': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.rename(new_x = 'x') # dplyr interface >>> df.rename({'x': 'new_x'}) # pandas interface """ args = _as_list(args) if len(args) > 0: if isinstance(args[0], dict): mapping = args[0] else: args = pl.Series(args) len_args = len(args) if (len_args % 2) == 1: raise ValueError("Need matching new_name/old_name pairs when using args") even_bool = pl.Series([True, False] * int(len_args/2)) new_names = args.filter(even_bool) old_names = args.filter(~even_bool) mapping = {key:value for key, value in zip(old_names, new_names)} else: mapping = {value:key for key, value in kwargs.items()} return super().rename(mapping).pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def replace_null(self, replace = None): """ Replace null values Parameters ---------- replace : dict Dictionary of column/replacement pairs Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble(x = [0, None], y = [None, None]) >>> df.replace_null(dict(x = 1, y = 2)) """ if replace == None: return self if type(replace) != dict: ValueError("replace must be a dictionary of column/replacement pairs") replace_exprs = [col(key).fill_null(value).keep_name() for key, value in replace.items()] return self.mutate(*replace_exprs)
[docs] def separate(self, sep_col, into, sep = '_', remove = True): """ Separate a character column into multiple columns Parameters ---------- sep_col : str Column to split into multiple columns into : list List of new column names sep : str Separator to split on. Default to '_' remove : bool If True removes the input column from the output data frame Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble(x = ['a_a', 'b_b', 'c_c']) >>> df.separate('x', into = ['left', 'right']) """ into_len = len(into) - 1 sep_df = ( self .to_polars() .select(col(sep_col) .str.split_exact(sep, into_len) .alias("_seps") .struct .rename_fields(into)) .unnest("_seps") .pipe(from_polars) ) out = self.bind_cols(sep_df) if remove == True: out = out.drop(sep_col) return out
[docs] def set_names(self, nm = None): """ Change the column names of the data frame Parameters ---------- nm : list A list of new names for the data frame Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble(x = range(3), y = range(3)) >>> df.set_names(['a', 'b']) """ if nm == None: nm = self.names nm = _as_list(nm) rename_dict = {k:v for k, v in zip(self.names, nm)} return self.rename(rename_dict)
[docs] def select(self, *args): """ Select or drop columns Parameters ---------- *args : str, Expr Columns to select Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3), 'c': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>>'a', 'b') >>>'a'), col('b')) """ args = _as_list(args) args = _col_exprs(args) return super().select(args).pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def slice(self, *args, by = None): """ Grab rows from a data frame Parameters ---------- *args : int, list Rows to grab by : str, list Columns to group by Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3), 'c': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.slice(0, 1) >>> df.slice(0, by = 'c') """ rows = _as_list(args) if _uses_by(by): df = super(Tibble, self).groupby(by).apply(lambda x: else: df = super(Tibble, self).select(pl.all().take(rows)) return df.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def slice_head(self, n = 5, *, by = None): """ Grab top rows from a data frame Parameters ---------- n : int Number of rows to grab by : str, list Columns to group by Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3), 'c': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.slice_head(2) >>> df.slice_head(1, by = 'c') """ col_order = self.names if _uses_by(by): df = super(Tibble, self).groupby(by).head(n) else: df = super(Tibble, self).head(n) df = return df.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def slice_tail(self, n = 5, *, by = None): """ Grab bottom rows from a data frame Parameters ---------- n : int Number of rows to grab by : str, list Columns to group by Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3), 'c': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.slice_tail(2) >>> df.slice_tail(1, by = 'c') """ col_order = self.names if _uses_by(by): df = super(Tibble, self).groupby(by).tail(n) else: df = super(Tibble, self).tail(n) df = return df.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def summarise(self, *args, by = None, **kwargs): """Alias for `.summarize()`""" return self.summarize(*args, by = by, **kwargs)
[docs] def summarize(self, *args, by = None, **kwargs): """ Aggregate data with summary statistics Parameters ---------- *args : Expr Column expressions to add or modify by : str, list Columns to group by **kwargs : Expr Column expressions to add or modify Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble({'a': range(3), 'b': range(3), 'c': ['a', 'a', 'b']}) >>> df.summarize(avg_a = tp.mean(col('a'))) >>> df.summarize(avg_a = tp.mean(col('a')), ... by = 'c') >>> df.summarize(avg_a = tp.mean(col('a')), ... max_b = tp.max(col('b'))) """ exprs = _as_list(args) + _kwargs_as_exprs(kwargs) if _uses_by(by): out = super(Tibble, self).groupby(by).agg(exprs) else: out = super(Tibble, self).select(exprs) return out.pipe(from_polars)
[docs] def tail(self, n = 5, *, by = None): """Alias for `.slice_tail()`""" return self.slice_tail(n, by = by)
[docs] def to_dict(self, as_series = True): """ Aggregate data with summary statistics Parameters ---------- as_series : bool If True - returns the dict values as Series If False - returns the dict values as lists Examples -------- >>> df.to_dict() >>> df.to_dict(as_series = False) """ return super().to_dict(as_series)
[docs] def to_pandas(self): """ Convert to a pandas DataFrame Examples -------- >>> df.to_pandas() """ return super().to_pandas()
[docs] def to_polars(self): """ Convert to a polars DataFrame Examples -------- >>> df.to_polars() """ self = copy.copy(self) self.__class__ = pl.DataFrame return self
[docs] def unite(self, col = "_united", unite_cols = [], sep = "_", remove = True): """ Unite multiple columns by pasting strings together Parameters ---------- col : str Name of the new column unite_cols : list List of columns to unite sep : str Separator to use between values remove : bool If True removes input columns from the data frame Examples -------- >>> df = tp.Tibble(a = ["a", "a", "a"], b = ["b", "b", "b"], c = range(3)) >>> df.unite("united_col", unite_cols = ["a", "b"]) """ if len(unite_cols) == 0: unite_cols = self.names else: unite_cols = _col_exprs(unite_cols) unite_cols = out = self.mutate(str_c(*unite_cols, sep = sep).alias(col)) out = out.relocate(col, before = unite_cols[0]) if remove == True: out = out.drop(unite_cols) return out
[docs] def write_csv(self, file = None, has_headers = True, sep = ','): """Write a data frame to a csv""" return super().to_csv(file, has_headers, sep)
[docs] def write_parquet(self, file = str, compression = 'snappy', use_pyarrow = False, **kwargs): """Write a data frame to a parquet""" return super().to_parquet(file, compression, use_pyarrow, **kwargs)
[docs]def desc(x): """Mark a column to order in descending""" x = copy.copy(x) x = _col_expr(x) x.__class__ = DescCol return x
class DescCol(pl.Expr): pass
[docs]def from_polars(df): """ Convert from polars DataFrame to Tibble Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame pl.DataFrame to convert to a Tibble Examples -------- >>> tp.from_polars(df) """ df = copy.copy(df) df.__class__ = Tibble return df
[docs]def from_pandas(df): """ Convert from pandas DataFrame to Tibble Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame pd.DataFrame to convert to a Tibble Examples -------- >>> tp.from_pandas(df) """ return from_polars(pl.from_pandas(df))
_allowed_methods = [ 'dtypes', 'frame_equal', 'get_columns', 'lazy', 'pipe' ] _polars_methods = [ 'apply', 'columns', 'describe', 'downsample', 'drop_duplicates', 'explode', 'fill_nan', 'fill_null', 'find_idx_by_name', 'fold', 'get_column', 'groupby', 'hash_rows', 'height', 'hstack', 'insert_at_idx', 'interpolate', 'is_duplicated', 'is_unique', 'join', 'limit', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'melt', 'min', 'n_chunks', 'null_count', 'quantile', 'rechunk', 'replace', 'replace_at_idx', 'row', 'rows' 'sample', 'select_at_idx', 'shape', 'shift', 'shift_and_fill', 'shrink_to_fit', 'sort', 'std', 'sum', # 'to_arrow', # 'to_dict', 'to_dicts', 'to_dummies', 'to_ipc', 'to_json', 'to_numpy' 'to_pandas' 'to_parquet', 'transpose', 'unnest', 'var', 'width', 'with_column', 'with_columns', 'with_column_renamed', 'with_columns' ]